I've been told by several people that there is some misunderstanding among the local voting public about the connection between the Park and Recreation District Levy that is on the November ballot and the New Library.
The levy is to be used solely for the regular maintenance and service work of the Park and Rec District: keeping the Community Center open and available to the public for meetings and events, including Senior Lunches, food bank, etc.; maintaining the Community Center and the Baker Field properties; and hiring a person to oversee all this work so that the Commissioners can better focus their time on longer term plans for the Community Center.
None of the levy funds will be used for the new library. The new library is funded by private donations gathered by the Friends of the Point Roberts Library. That money has already been raised; if additional funds for the library are required, then the Friends of the P.R. Library will provide them, not the Park and Rec District. When the new library is completed and in operation, all operating costs will be paid by the Whatcom County Library Services, not by the Park and Rec District.
I assume that FOPRL members know this, but if you have friends who are unclear or misinformed about this, please clarify it for them.
Judy Ross, for FOPRL