In addition, the Pt. Roberts Quilt Group will be offering raffle tickets on their "Christmas Quilt" during the concert intermission. Raffle tickets will also be available at the December Arts and Crafts Faire the following weekend. The quilt is approximately 45" x 56". The final drawing will be before Christmas, which fact you might need to know if you think you might get lucky.
Second, Banner Bank has very graciously made a second $1,000 donation to the new library building fund. They supported us back at the beginning, and now are supporting us here at the end. Be sure to mention your appreciation when you are next doing business at the bank.
Third, we've had a suggestion from a repeat library donor about the possibility of donating enough for an engraved paver and having it honor a beloved pet (a $500 donation entitles the giver to a small size paver). Of course, is the answer, but if we had enough of these donations for pets, we could establish a pet's corner in the garden. They don't read much themselves, of course, but they have surely inspired thousands of wonderful stories. I'd guess that there are precious few readers who have not at some time in their life been spellbound by a tale in which pets (of whatever kind) bring the highest of values into our human lives. And I kind of like the idea of going there and seeing my cat Zoe's name on a paver. God knows, she would read if she could. (Reading and having opposing thumbs in order to be able to open the refrigerator door are the two things she most wants in life.)
And final news: we're very close to achieving our fundraising goal, but we will continue until the end of December where and as we can to continue to raise the additional funds that we know will be required because there's always a gap between what you plan to pay and what you end up paying. If we are at all successful in doing this, I think it will ensure that construction can begin in late spring or early summer.
Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for this community. We'll be keeping in touch as things happen.
--Judy Ross, for the Friends of the Point Roberts Library